Interview on ECR 2021 with Dr Philip Robinson

I am the current chair for the MSK program for ECR 2021. I have been planning the program from 2019 supported by colleagues in the MSK committee and ECR administrative team. The radiologist team consists of 5 others representing a diverse spectrum in terms of experience and geographical location.

• What may ECR 21‘ attendees with an interest in MSK imaging expect?

I hope we have developed a program that has a broad appeal to radiologists from across all of Europe and also for differing levels of experience. Sessions include state of the art applications and innovative techniques, as well as more basic comprehensive educational coverage.

• Looking behind the scenes: what were the major challenges for you in preparing the program?

The development of such a large program for ECR is always a challenge in terms of delivering content that has an appeal to radiologists across Europe and remains inclusive. Team work and common goals are vital. This complexity has, of course, been magnified during the current pandemic and we have tried to optimise our usual program virtually but also adapt to new technology and delivery opportunities which will be highlighted by ECR as the congress approaches.

• Could you tell us your “chairman’s choice” for the upcoming ECR, i. e. your favourite topic or program element in MSK imaging?

I am excited by all of this years program as I am always interested in innovation but also realise the need to improve basic MSK education. From our refresher course sessions I am particularly looking forward to the state of the art sessions on MSK CT (including dual energy and 4D applications) and MSK ultrasound (including tumours and elastography). I would also recommend our MSK Scientific sessions with many interesting presentations involving MSK radiomics.


Interview Date: February 2021