Dear friends, dear colleagues,

ESSR is proud and grateful to advance with educational activties and present a lot of material as eLearning content.
The various pages and featured courses include many of the lectures of our meetings and the high quality webinars that have been organized for the past years.
We are deeply indebted to all those that worked hard, the webinar organizers, our speakers, the chairs and members of the subcommittees
Please enjoy the educational journey.

- Catherine Phan MRI of subchondral boneCatherine Phan
- Franck Lapegue & Aymeric Andre Finger injuries in climbersFranck Lapegue & Aymeric Andre
- 14.30 - 16.00 Room B ESSR 2024 – Subcommittee Arthrisis Session14.30 - 16.00 Room B
- 11.00 - 12.30 Room B ESSR 2024 – Subcommittee Osteoporosis & Metabolic Session11.00 - 12.30 Room B
- 09.30 - 11.00 Room B ESSR 2024 – Subcommittee Tumour Session09.30 - 11.00 Room B
- 14.30 - 16.00 Room A ESSR 2024 – Tumour Session14.30 - 16.00 Room A
- 13.30 - 14.30 Room A ESSR 2024 – Scientific Session Spine13.30 - 14.30 Room A
- 11.00 - 12.30 Room A ESSR 2024 – Taskforce Session Spine11.00 - 12.30 Room A
- 09.30 - 11.00 Room A ESSR 2024 – Inflammatory and Metabolic Session09.30 - 11.00 Room A
- 17.00 - 18.30 Room B ESSR 2024 – The Power of Networking Session17.00 - 18.30 Room B
- 15:00 - 16.30 Room B ESSR 2024 – Young Club Session15:00 - 16.30 Room B
- 14.00 - 15.00 Room B ESSR 2024 – Scientific Session Intervention14.00 - 15.00 Room B
- 11.30 - 13.00 Room B ESSR 2024 – Subcommittee Intervention Session11.30 - 13.00 Room B
- 09.30 - 11.00 Room B ESSR 2024 – Subcommittee Pediatric MSK Session09.30 - 11.00 Room B
- 17.00 - 18.30 Room A ESSR 2024 – Imaging of the Pediatric Knee Session17.00 - 18.30 Room A
- 15.00 - 16.30 Room A ESSR 2024 – Subcommittee Sports Imaging Session15.00 - 16.30 Room A
- 13.30 - 14.30 Room B ESSR 2024 – Sientific Session MSK Sport and Trauma13.30 - 14.30 Room B
- 11.30 - 13.00  Room A ESSR 2024 – Post Operative Session11.30 - 13.00 Room A
- 09.30 - 11.00  Room A ESSR 2024 – Sport Imaging Session09.30 - 11.00 Room A
- Welcome from Society President & Congress President ESSR 2024 – Inauguration SessionWelcome from Society President & Congress President
- Edwin Oei & Ronald Booij Photon-counting CT for musculoskeletal applicationsEdwin Oei & Ronald Booij
- Cervical spine injuries
- WBMRI in rheumatology. Why, when and how
- ESSR Tumour Case Discussions 2024
- Davide Orlandi US guided interventional procedures of sport-related injuriesDavide Orlandi
- Francesco Arrigoni MRgFUS for the treatment of benign bone lesionsFrancesco Arrigoni
- Filippo Del Grande Sacroiliitis in clinical practice and beyondFilippo Del Grande
- Emilio Inarejos MSK infection in children: new techniques for well-known pathologiesEmilio Inarejos
- Torsten Diekhoff Bone marrow edema in the sacroiliac joint: Is it always sacroiliitis?Torsten Diekhoff
- Wouter C.J. Huysse Typical features of septic arthritis from x-ray to MRWouter C.J. Huysse
- Nele Herregods Relevance of ASAS in Paediatric arthritisNele Herregods
- Joan Carlos Monllau Garcia Surgical Options in Rotational Instability (additional to ACL repair)Joan Carlos Monllau Garcia
- Janani Kumaraguru Pillai Imaging Findings in Posterolateral Rotational Instability PLRIJanani Kumaraguru Pillai
- Roland Becker ACL Repair – State of the Art and Risk for FailureRoland Becker
- Joan Carlos Monllau Garcia Rotational Instability of the Knee – Concepts and BiomechanicsJoan Carlos Monllau Garcia
- Mario Padron Patellofemoral Instability – Important Imaging findingsMario Padron
- Giuseppe Guglielmi Update on osteoporosis or sarcopeniaGiuseppe Guglielmi
- Carmelo Messina Radiofrequency echographic multispectrometry (REMS)Carmelo Messina
- Nuran Sabir Diagnosis of metabolic bone diseases at the ankle and foot with conventional radiologyNuran Sabir
- Christian Krestan Imaging of insufficiency fractures around the ankle and footChristian Krestan
- Yixiang Wang Opportunistic screening of bone frailtyYixiang Wang
- José Luis del Cura Rodríguez Interventional treatment of the tennis leg, calf hematomasJosé Luis del Cura Rodríguez
- Jean-Baptiste Pialat Chronic exertional compartment syndrome: A room for imagingJean-Baptiste Pialat
- Nataliia Nehria Nail and distal phalanx painful lesionsNataliia Nehria
- James Teh Diabetic footJames Teh
- Andrea Klauser Gout and crystal deposition lesionsAndrea Klauser
- Iwona Sudol-Szopinska Rheumatoid arthritis focus on the ankle and footIwona Sudol-Szopinska
- Ihsan Sebnem Orguc Differential diagnosis of arthritisIhsan Sebnem Orguc
- Oscar Luis Casado Verdugo Postsurgery changes of the forefoot injuriesOscar Luis Casado Verdugo
- Emma Gerety Fascia plantarisEmma Gerety
- Hannes Platzgummer Nerve lesions of the ankle and footHannes Platzgummer
- P. Diana Afonso Plantar plate injuriesP. Diana Afonso
- Marc-André Weber Imaging techniques for post treatment of the foot and ankle with metal artifactMarc-André Weber
- Mario Maas How to become a leader in MSK radiology – The M. AVATAR projectMario Maas
- Atilla Hikmet Cilengir Delayed diagnosis of a soft tissue massAtilla Hikmet Cilengir
- Francesca Serpi Shoulder TraumaFrancesca Serpi
- Vid Matisic Shoulder injury in a professional overhead athleteVid Matisic
- Reda Britel Soft tissue mass in the upper extremity just after vaccination, what’s your diagnosis?Reda Britel
- Nikolett Marton Upper limb lump: Tumor or Trauma?Nikolett Marton
- Kai Vilanova Bone rads for bone tumour diagnosis: Does it really add something?Kai Vilanova
- Milja Holstila MRI is the best initial imaging examination for soft tissue tumours: Against-Milja Holstila
- Filip M. H. M. Vanhoenacker MRI is the best initial imaging examination for soft tissue tumours: For-Filip M. H. M. Vanhoenacker
- Ana Navas Canete DWI in grading and characterisation of tumours: Against-Ana Navas Canete
- Jan Fritz DWI in grading and characterisation of tumours: For-Jan Fritz
- Francesco Arrigoni MR guided focused ultrasound in the ankle and foot: State of the artFrancesco Arrigoni
- Franck Lapègue Role of ultrasound in the treatment of entrapment neuropathiesFranck Lapègue
- Elena Drakonaki Plantar fasciopathy: The role of the MSK radiologistElena Drakonaki
- Ramy Mansour Achilles tendon treatment: Indications and techniqueRamy Mansour
- György Gulácsi Particularities of fractures in the ankle and foot in childrenGyörgy Gulácsi
- Fermin Saez The many faces of osteomyelitisFermin Saez
- Mariantonietta Francavilla Musculoskeletal neoplasm in children: Pearls and pitfallsMariantonietta Francavilla
- Igor Boric 5th metatarsal fracturesIgor Boric
- Guillaume Bierry Calcaneal fracturesGuillaume Bierry
- Alexandra Gersing Value of pseudoCT like sequencesAlexandra Gersing
- Antoine Feydy Artificial intelligence for the diagnosis on fracturesAntoine Feydy
- Maria Pilar Aparisi Rodriguez Accessory muscle in the ankle and footMaria Pilar Aparisi Rodriguez
- Yuliia Litynska Accessory bone in the ankle and footYuliia Litynska
- Javier Carrascoso Arranz Mueller Weiss diseaseJavier Carrascoso Arranz
- Anna Hirschmann Flat foot of the adult and spring complex injuriesAnna Hirschmann
- Emilio José Inarejos Clemente Pediatric footEmilio José Inarejos Clemente
- James Francis Griffith Osteochondral lesionsJames Francis Griffith
- Philip Robinson Impingement of the ankle, intraarticularPhilip Robinson
- Apostolos Karantanas Peroneal tendon injuriesApostolos Karantanas
- Filippo Del Grande Sinus tarsusFilippo Del Grande
- Mario Maas Midfoot injuries, chopart jointMario Maas
- Christine Chung Case Discussion: My best ankle sprain caseChristine Chung
- Luis Fernando Cerezal Pesquera Postsurgery of the ankle ligamentsLuis Fernando Cerezal Pesquera
- Anne Cotten Retinaculum ankle injuriesAnne Cotten
- J. Vilá Current concepts in ankle instability: The surgeon’s viewJ. Vilá
- Jean-Luc Drape How to manage the overload of MSK exams – French PerspectiveJean-Luc Drape
- Michael Recht How to manage the overload of MSK exams – US PerspectiveMichael Recht
- Elena Drakonaki US of iatrogenic nerve injuriesElena Drakonaki
- Emilio Inarejos Soft tissue tumors in childrenEmilio Inarejos
- Monique Reijnierse Advances and value of MR imaging in early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritisMonique Reijnierse
- Elena Gallardo How to scan: 1st metatarsophalangeal joint pathologyElena Gallardo
- Marcello Zappia How to scan: US of post-operative Achilles tendonMarcello Zappia
- Catherine McCarthy How to scan: Plantar plate tearsCatherine McCarthy
- Ricardo Moutinho How to scan: Lateral ankle pathologyRicardo Moutinho
- Mahesh Prakash How to scan: Anterior ankle pathologyMahesh Prakash
- Jon Jacobson How to scan: Calf muscle injuriesJon Jacobson
- Magdalena Posadzy How to scan: Medial Knee PathologyMagdalena Posadzy
- Etienne Pluot How to scan: Lateral Knee pathologyEtienne Pluot
- Andrea Alcala-Galiano How to scan: Extensor mechanism of the knee pathologyAndrea Alcala-Galiano
- Maria Pilar Aparisi Gomez How to scan: Meralgia parestheticaMaria Pilar Aparisi Gomez
- Harun Gupta How to scan: Groin hernias (Inguinal femoral)Harun Gupta
- Francesco di Pietto How to scan: Sartorius and Rec Fem pathologyFrancesco di Pietto
- Monique Reijnierse How to scan: Proximal hamstring pathologyMonique Reijnierse
- Rob Campbell How to scan: Adductor injury of the hipRob Campbell
- James Teh Lower Limb Interventions – Plantar Fascia InjectionsJames Teh
- Adan Bello Lower Limb Interventions – Achilles Tendinosis Treatment using Paratenon Stripping plus ProlotherapyAdan Bello
- George Kakkos Lower Limb Interventions – Greater Trochanteric Bursa Injection TechniqueGeorge Kakkos
- George Kakkos Lower Limb Interventions – Hip Joint Injection TechniqueGeorge Kakkos
- Franck Lapegue Upper Limb Interventions – Percutaneous Release of the Trigger FingerFranck Lapegue
- Ziga Snoj Upper Limb Interventions – Carpal tunnel syndromeZiga Snoj
- Philippe Meyer Upper Limb Interventions – US-guided Interventions: Lateral Epicondylitis US guided treatmentsPhilippe Meyer
- Luca Sconfienza Upper Limb Interventions – US-Guided Percutaneous Irrigation of Shoulder Calcific TendinopathyLuca Sconfienza
- Elena Drakonaki Upper Limb Interventions – Glenohumeral Joint and Subacromial Bursa InjectionsElena Drakonaki
- Ramy Mansour Upper Limb Interventions – How to perform Hydrodilatation via Rotator IntervalRamy Mansour
- Alexander Loizides and Hannes Gruber How to scan the Nerves: Brachial PlexusAlexander Loizides and Hannes Gruber
- Carmelo Messina and Domenico Albano How to scan the Nerves: Median NerveCarmelo Messina and Domenico Albano
- Carmelo Messina and Domenico Albano How to scan the Nerves: Radial NerveCarmelo Messina and Domenico Albano
- Alexander Loizides and Hannes Gruber How to scan the Nerves: Small Nerves of the NeckAlexander Loizides and Hannes Gruber
- Monica Khanna How to scan the Nerves: Ulnar NerveMonica Khanna
- Raquel Prada and Claudia Jurado How to scan the Joints – Upper Limb: Elbow Part 2Raquel Prada and Claudia Jurado
- Raquel Prada and Claudia Jurado How to scan the Joints – Upper Limb: Elbow Part 1Raquel Prada and Claudia Jurado
- Evangelia Vassalou and Athena Plagou How to scan the Joints – Upper Limb: Shoulder Part 2Evangelia Vassalou and Athena Plagou
- Evangelia Vassalou and Athena Plagou How to scan the Joints – Upper Limb: Shoulder Part 1Evangelia Vassalou and Athena Plagou
-  Philip O’Connor How to scan the Joints – Upper Limb: Finger Tendons Philip O’Connor
- Lionel Pesquer How to scan the Joints – Upper Limb: WristLionel Pesquer
- Rebeca Mirón Mombiela and Akram Dakhil Delfi How to scan the Joints – Lower Limb: HipRebeca Mirón Mombiela and Akram Dakhil Delfi
- Saulius Rutkauskas How to scan the Joints – Lower Limb: Knee Part 2Saulius Rutkauskas
- Saulius Rutkauskas How to scan the Joints – Lower Limb: Knee Part 1Saulius Rutkauskas
- Andrew Grainger and Emma Rowbotham How to scan the Joints – Lower Limb: Ankle LigamentsAndrew Grainger and Emma Rowbotham
- Andrew Grainger and Emma Rowbotham How to scan the Joints – Lower Limb: Ankle TendonsAndrew Grainger and Emma Rowbotham
- Athena Plagou ESSR Ultrasound “How to” Videos – Introduction by the Subcommittee ChairpersonAthena Plagou
- Andrew Grainger Extensor tendons of the fingersAndrew Grainger
- Henri Guerini ECU anatomy and pathologiesHenri Guerini
- Eugene McNally The first 3 dorsal compartmentsEugene McNally
- Lennart Jans DECT in diagnosing and monitoring crystal deposition arthritisLennart Jans
- Milko de Jonge How to monitor musculoskeletal manifestations of neurofibromatosis type-1 and tuberous sclerosisMilko de Jonge
- Iwona Sudol-Szopinska Seronegative SpA and its treatment monitoringIwona Sudol-Szopinska
- Monique Reijnierse Monitoring modern treatment response in arthritis – findings in MRI and ultrasoundMonique Reijnierse
- Franz Kainberger Current role of plain film in monitoring arthritis/Quantifying methods for monitoring systemic diseasesFranz Kainberger
- Frank Roemer Assessment of cartilage repair techniquesFrank Roemer
- Silvia Martin Assessment of tendon healing: From sutures to PGFSilvia Martin
- Philip Robinson Assessment of muscle tearsPhilip Robinson
- Sascha Maurice Groß Delayed fracture healingSascha Maurice Groß
- Ihsan Sebnem Örgüç Monitoring bone metastasisIhsan Sebnem Örgüç
- Hans Bloem Monitoring post treated bone and soft tissue tumoursHans Bloem
- Alberto Bazzocchi Collateral effects of radiation- and chemotherapy on the musculoskeletal system with focus on bone marrowAlberto Bazzocchi
- Violeta Vasilevska Nikodinovska How to obtain sufficient samples from imaging-guided biopsiesVioleta Vasilevska Nikodinovska
- Thomas Mittlmeier Primary and secondary bone tumors: How to stabilize them?Thomas Mittlmeier
- Antoine Feydy Posttreatment imaging of the vertebral column – stabilizationAntoine Feydy
- Luca Maria Sconfienza Posttreatment imaging of endoprothesis – Imaging of postoperative loosening and infectionLuca Maria Sconfienza
- Oscar Luis Casado Verdugo Posttreatment imaging of endoprothesis – Assessment of rotational malalignment and changes after prosthesisOscar Luis Casado Verdugo
- Reto Sutter Imaging modalities for hardware evaluationReto Sutter
- Wolfram Mittelmeier Which types of endoprotheses a radiologist should know?Wolfram Mittelmeier
- Michael Fox Post-treatment imaging of the ankle joint – update 2022Michael Fox
- Mohammad Samim Postoperative Musculoskeletal Imaging and Interventions Following Hip Preservation Surgery, Deformity Correction, and Hip ArthroplastyMohammad Samim
- Andreas Heuck Post-treatment imaging of the knee – update for menisci repairAndreas Heuck
- Maria Tzalonikou Postoperative findings after cruciate and collateral ligaments repairMaria Tzalonikou
- Gregor Berrsche Surgical techniques in ligament, meniscal and cartilage repairGregor Berrsche
- Mihra Taljanovic Post-treatment imaging of the wrist – update 2022Mihra Taljanovic
- Thomas Grieser Post-treatment imaging of the elbow – update 2022Thomas Grieser
- Karl-Friedrich Kreitner Imaging of glenoid and glenolabral complex after surgery – normal and abnormalKarl-Friedrich Kreitner
- Christoph Schäffeler Imaging after the rotator cuff repair – normal and abnormal findingsChristoph Schäffeler
- Robert Lenz Repair techniques of rotator cuff and glenoid rim and what the orthopedic surgeon wants to know from the radiologistRobert Lenz
- Chiara Giraudo Imaging of treated scoliosisChiara Giraudo
- Yaron Berkowitz Monitoring Infectious SpondylodiscitisYaron Berkowitz
- Fernando Ruiz Santiago Failed back syndrome: interventional radiologist approachFernando Ruiz Santiago
- Axel Stäbler Post-treatment imaging of the vertebral column – discs, discectomyAxel Stäbler
- Igor Boric The normal spine after treatmentIgor Boric
- Thomas Freiman Post Treatment Spine – Perspective of the surgeonThomas Freiman
- Matina Boitsios Paediatric – Cases I cannot forgetMatina Boitsios
- Pilar Aparisi Gomez Tiny MSK – evaluation of the skeletal system in uteroPilar Aparisi Gomez
- Riccardo De Angelis Novelties in SCFE imagingRiccardo De Angelis
- Paolo Simoni Imaging of the paediatric hip: An updatePaolo Simoni
- Alessandro De Leucio Scoliosis – from every angle. How, when and why to measureAlessandro De Leucio
- Javier Arnáiz Particularities of treatment planning and post treatment imaging in paediatric traumaJavier Arnáiz
- Francesco Arrigoni Clinical and imaging follow-up of non-ablative management for focal bone lesionFrancesco Arrigoni
- Alexandre Rudel Percutaneous disc decompressionAlexandre Rudel
- Radhesh Lalam Bone and soft-tissue ablation: benign tumorsRadhesh Lalam
- Jose Luis Del Cura Rodriguez Bone and soft-tissue ablation: malignant tumorsJose Luis Del Cura Rodriguez
- Raquel Prada Short and long term imaging in lavage of calcific rotator cuff tendinopathy: typical findings and complicationsRaquel Prada
- Elena Drakonaki US-guided nerve infiltration for post herniorhaphy pain syndromeElena Drakonaki
- Christian Glaser Muscle/Tendon Injuries at the calf: How to reportChristian Glaser
- Mario Maas Ankle: Imaging instability in athletesMario Maas
- Diogo Roriz Ankle: Impingement syndromes and clinical relevanceDiogo Roriz
- Eva Llopis Knee: Anterior impingment syndromes and clinical relevanceEva Llopis
- Andrea Rosskopf Knee: Easy to miss mensical lesionsAndrea Rosskopf
Knee: Partial tears of the cruciate ligamentsAndrew Grainger
- Eugene McNally Hip: Imaging groin pain in athletesEugene McNally
- Miguel Castro HIP: FAI-Lessons from the Lisbon AgreementMiguel Castro
- Iris Eshed Tricks and tips in the assessment of the sacroiliac joint of childrenIris Eshed
- Janani Pillai Ultrasound of small joints in rheumatic diseasesJanani Pillai
- Chiara Giraudo WBMRI as key technique for CRMOChiara Giraudo
- Gustav Andreisek Advance imaging MR techniques in osteoarthritisGustav Andreisek
- Ana Isabel Garcia Diez Imaging of inflammatory myopathies: protocols, pearls and pitfallsAna Isabel Garcia Diez
- Anastasia Fotiadou Clinical cases (Osteoporosis & Metabolism)Anastasia Fotiadou
Metabolic sarcopeniaCarmelo Messina
- Edwin Oei Imaging metabolic changes in osteoarthritisEdwin Oei
- Catherine Phan Bisphosphonates in bone diseases other than osteoporosisCatherine Phan
- Giuseppe Guglielmi MSK complications in long term hemodialysis and renal transplantsGiuseppe Guglielmi
- Remide Arkun Pitfalls in interpretation in diagnosis of bone tumorsRemide Arkun
- Kai Vilanova Bone tumor mimickers – differential diagnosisKai Vilanova
- Hakan Ilaslan Incidentally identified bone lesions: imaging approachHakan Ilaslan
- Gunnar Aström Pitfalls in interpretation in diagnosis of soft tissue tumorsGunnar Aström
- Omar Albtoush Lipoma or low grade liposarcoma – similarities and differencesOmar Albtoush
- Iris Melanie Nöbauer-Huhmann Tissue characterization on MRI: what we can do to predict histologyIris Melanie Nöbauer-Huhmann
- Bernd Krause What nuclear medicine can offer for MSK radiologyBernd Krause
- Maximilian F. Reiser The future of radiology – will we be replaced by AI?Maximilian F. Reiser
- Federico Zaottini Post-operative Ultrasound evaluation of hand flexor tendon injuriesFederico Zaottini
- Andrea Klauser Ultrasound of post-operative carpal tunnel syndromeAndrea Klauser
- Elena Drakonaki Ultrasound of post-operative (iatrogenic) nerve traumasElena Drakonaki
- Emma Gerety Complications following metal implantationEmma Gerety
- Miraude Adriaensen Ultrasound after hip arthroplastyMiraude Adriaensen
- Estelle Tenisch Cervical trauma of spine in children and adolescent: What the surgeon wants to knowEstelle Tenisch
- Florian Schmaranzer Hip impingement in the immature skeletonFlorian Schmaranzer
-  Emilio J. Inarejos Clemente Imaging of the Legg-Calvé-Pethes disease Emilio J. Inarejos Clemente
- Nele Herregods Chronic trauma/overuse lesions of the pediatric knee?Nele Herregods
- Saira Haque Acute traumatic injuries of the paediatric hand and wristSaira Haque
- Francisco Del Piñal TFC Surgeon‘s perspectiveFrancisco Del Piñal
- Milko de Jonge DRUJ instabilityMilko de Jonge
- Luis Cerezal TFCC non-Palmer lesionsLuis Cerezal
- Marco Zanetti TFCC classic lesions/TFCC Palmer lesions 1 and 2Marco Zanetti
- Nicolas Theumann Anatomy and imaging techniques of the TFCCNicolas Theumann
- Catherine Phan Osteoporosis & Metabolic Case PresentationCatherine Phan
- Pawel Szaro The female triad – MSK injuries in the context of anatomical and physiological differences between gendersPawel Szaro
- Elena Kariki Rare diseases and impaired bone metabolism – A radiological pictorial approachElena Kariki
- Maria Pilar Aparisi Gomez Complex regional pain syndrome – The radiologist perspectiveMaria Pilar Aparisi Gomez
- Janina Patsch and Jan Kirschke Advanced imaging techniques to assess bone qualityJanina Patsch and Jan Kirschke
- Carmelo Messina Role of DXA and QUS around hand and wristCarmelo Messina
- Nuran Sabir The hand in the diagnosis of metabolic bone diseasesNuran Sabir
- Philip Robinson Pectoralis and Latissimus dorsi InjuryPhilip Robinson
- Graeme Thompson AC and SC Joint – Anatomy and Spectrum of InjuriesGraeme Thompson
- Catherine McCarthy Posterosuperior Impingement of the shoulderCatherine McCarthy
- Guillame Bierry Shoulder dislocation – Which imaging findings are relevant for therapeutic decision making?Guillame Bierry
- Mario Padron The thrower`s elbowMario Padron
- Joanna Niemunis-Sawicka Biceps muscle: From origin to insertionJoanna Niemunis-Sawicka
- Christoph Schäffeler Is MRI necessary in traumatic elbow instability?Christoph Schäffeler
- P. Diana Afonso Pediatric athlete: Are osteochondritis dissecans and Panner`s disease the same?P. Diana Afonso
- Nadja Mamisch-Saupe Midcarpal InstabilityNadja Mamisch-Saupe
- Mariusz Bonczar Wrist ligaments and impingement: When can surgery help?Mariusz Bonczar
- Tobias Dietrich Intrinsic ligaments: What is new?Tobias Dietrich
- Rainer Schmitt Carpal dissotiations patternRainer Schmitt
- P. Gondim Teixeira Imaging techniques xray, US, MRI, MREA CTA kineCT kineMRP. Gondim Teixeira
- Mihra Taljanovic Other fractures of the hand and wristMihra Taljanovic
- Apostolos Karantanas AVN of the lunate and its variantsApostolos Karantanas
- , Eva Llopis Scaphoid fracture & complications, Eva Llopis
- F. Del Piñalvand L. Cerezal Distal radius fractures & other relevant fracturesF. Del Piñalvand L. Cerezal
- Reto Sutter Trapezio-metacarpal joint of the thumb and UCL ligaments of the thumbReto Sutter
- Andrea Rosskopf Flexor tendons, pulleys & volar plateAndrea Rosskopf
- Piotr Rutkowski WHO classification of soft tissue and bone tumours – Challenging cases for radiologist and oncologistPiotr Rutkowski
- Koenraad Verstraete Longitudinal CT and MR evaluation of denosumab therapy in Giant cell tumours of boneKoenraad Verstraete
- Johan Bloem Modern developments in MSK Histopathology and their radiological implicationsJohan Bloem
- Iris Melanie Noebauer-Huhmann Imaging after therapy in soft tissue tumoursIris Melanie Noebauer-Huhmann
- Kai Vilanova Vascular lesion: Tumour or not, that is the question!Kai Vilanova
- Michelle Calleja Common traps and solutions in imaging of bone lesionsMichelle Calleja
- Angel Bueno Common traps and solutions in imaging of soft tissue lesionsAngel Bueno
- Jan Fritz The tissue of origin in bone tumours: How does it help the radiologistJan Fritz
- Marc-André Weber The new WHO classification of soft tissue tumours: What the radiologist should knowMarc-André Weber
- Filip Vanhoenacker Lumps and bumps of the soft tissue – how to differentiate benign from malignant lesions?Filip Vanhoenacker
- Eva Llopis Imaging of the tendons and ligaments of the ankleEva Llopis
- Giuseppe Guglielmi Imaging of osteoporosis and body composition – new techniques, new diseasesGiuseppe Guglielmi
- Franz Kainberger Imaging of early arthritis – new frontiers for multimodality imagingFranz Kainberger
- Klaus Wörtler Postoperative ShoulderKlaus Wörtler
- Eoin Kavanagh Spinal degenerative disk diseaseEoin Kavanagh
- P. Diana Afonso Knee femoropatellar instability: How does CT/MRI contribute to treatment decision?P. Diana Afonso
- Victor Cassar-Pullicino Subtle and Manifest Signs of Spinal InjuryVictor Cassar-Pullicino
- Philip Robinson Sports Imaging: Imaging athletic groin painPhilip Robinson
- Carlo Martinoli Exploring the jungle of the posterior triangle of the neck with ultrasoundCarlo Martinoli
- Lennart Jans MRI of the pediatric kneeLennart Jans
- Edwin Oei Imaging of OsteoarthritisEdwin Oei
- Eleni Kariki Care, learn, innovate: The role of imaging professionals in the management of osteoporosis patientsEleni Kariki
- , Jan Fritz Metal artifact reduction – MRI: from principle to practice, Jan Fritz
- Anagha P. Parkar Imaging of cruciate ligamentsAnagha P. Parkar
- Iwona Sudol-Szopinska Rheumatoid ArthritisIwona Sudol-Szopinska
- Jon A. Jacobson Interventional Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Common ApplicationsJon A. Jacobson
- Apostolos Karantanas Early-onset OA of the hip jointApostolos Karantanas
- Reto Sutter Imaging of Elbow InstabilityReto Sutter
- Amanda Isaac Role of imaging in Body composition analysisAmanda Isaac
- Hatice Tuba Sanal Possible traps in evaluating bone and soft tissue tumoursHatice Tuba Sanal
- Shivani Alhawat Clinical Dilemmas in MR NeurographyShivani Alhawat
- Andrew Grainger Imaging the Menisci: The Basics, Pitfalls and What Not to MissAndrew Grainger
- Pilar Aparisi Gomez Congenital skeletal pathology: In search of the skeleton keyPilar Aparisi Gomez
- Michael Recht Artificial Intelligence in MSK, recent developmentsMichael Recht
- Christoph Schäffeler Imaging of Shoulder InstabilityChristoph Schäffeler
- Roberto Luigi Cazzato MSK Interventional OncologyRoberto Luigi Cazzato
- Elena Gallardo Ultrasound imaging of skin tumors: Clues to the differential diagnosisElena Gallardo
- Patrick Omoumi Imaging of axial spondyloarthritis – a practical approachPatrick Omoumi
- Kirsten van Langevelde and Pancras Hogendoorn Giant cell tumour of bone: diagnosis and post denosumab findings from a radiology and pathology perspectiveKirsten van Langevelde and Pancras Hogendoorn
- Jaime Isern-Kebschull and Gil Rodas Calf injuriesJaime Isern-Kebschull and Gil Rodas
- Alexander Loizides US-Guided carpal and cubital tunnel releaseAlexander Loizides
- Alberto Vieira Overuse sport lesions in children-imaging findingsAlberto Vieira
- Marie Faruch News in peripheral nerve imagingMarie Faruch
- Andrea B. Rosskopf Injuries of the hand and pulleysAndrea B. Rosskopf
- Alberto Bazzocchi The Limping ChildAlberto Bazzocchi
- Javier Arnáiz Imaging of chest wall and abdominal wall in athletesJavier Arnáiz
- Žiga Snoj Ultrasound Elastography in Musculoskeletal RadiologyŽiga Snoj
- Yacine Carlier, Jean-Baptiste Pialat, Antoine Moraux and Lionel Pesquer Ultrasound of the distal biceps brachii tendonYacine Carlier, Jean-Baptiste Pialat, Antoine Moraux and Lionel Pesquer
- Thomas Le Corroller and Roberto Luigi Cazzato Cryoablation in the musculoskeletal system: twelve years of experienceThomas Le Corroller and Roberto Luigi Cazzato
- Saira Haque MR imaging of pediatric growth plate disturbancesSaira Haque
- Connie Chang Bone-RADSConnie Chang
- Christian Pfirrmann Advances in MR Imaging of the Painful Hip ArthroplastyChristian Pfirrmann
- Tumour Subcommittee ESSR Tumour Case Discussions 2022Tumour Subcommittee
- Tumour Subcommittee ESSR Tumour Case Discussions 2021Tumour Subcommittee